
I cried for the children
Who died a tragic death
Whose only crime
Was they wanted breath
Laws made to conform
First with the last
To see if we’d obey
Before the final blast

Rulers who deny
The rules that they made
And the constitution
They learned in second grade
Guided by the lies
They learned in college Ed
Sacrificial lambs
Untruth they’ve been fed

Who are we to stand
And oppose their wicked ways
Suffering in public
The lashings they engage
Freedoms not allowed
But used to tie us down
Equality their answer
But expressed with a frown

It’s not for you to say
What is wrong or right
They are our leaders
Drag us into the night
Cry for the lost of us
Pray for us indeed
Cry out to GOD above
Today we are in need

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